Sunday, December 22, 2013

Status Update - Chin Hair

One of life's greatest joys is tweezing a tenacious chin hair. I almost miss the one I had in my mid-20s, just for the joy of tracking it down and yanking it out.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Status Update - Garden Ridge

I have not been to Garden Ridge in 5 years. In that time it has gone from an overwhelming emporium of craft supplies and home decor to a steaming pile of Hoosierville. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sonnet #2

Obsession captures my heart in a vise.
Love was never supposed to be like this.
All my passions, one look would not suffice.
I'm supposed to be enraptured by bliss.
But bliss has come and marked the beginning
Of my journey into a hellish place.
All your love, your laughing smile so winning
Has sucked all the happiness from my space.
Give me back the world that once was my own.
Let me return to the way my life was.
Solace and solitude are all I've known.
Oh God, just leave me alone, because
I cannot love for fear of seeing hell.
If you love me, my soul I'll surely sell.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Facebook exchange - Seems legit

We are discussing the winter weather......

S: I totally get it, for rillz. It's so candy ass out there, I feel really sorry for my dog. 
C: I do too! She tries elevated squatting and it's redick. 
S: I would be elevating my squatting as well if my only other option was dipping my vadge in the snow.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sonnet #1

If I should cry, I'm sure you wouldn't care
But time and my life will go flying by.
In sixty years I won't care if you've died
But for right now my love just isn't fair.
Your silence has been more than I can bear
So now I will lay my head down and cry.
I guess I'd rather you tell the truth than lie.
I think I'll kill myself, but would I dare?
I thought that I'd be in love forever,
But then you came along and crushed my dreams.
And now sweetness falls and night engulfs me.
I fall into an abyss of never
And death is imminent, or so it seems.
I want to be shadows, not reality.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Status update - Gamble

I don't even have class for another 2 hours and I've already heard "Ms O, you're gonna be mad at me. I left my poetry portfolio at home." 

Amy doesn't think "Shut up! My vagina is exploding!" will be acceptable, but I'm willing to take the gamble.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Status update - trash cans and 'tude

My nephew Stephen was born on this day 18 years ago and I will always remember it because it was crazy windy. I got home from school and my mom called to tell me that my sister had had the baby; would I mind chasing down the trash cans that had migrated down the street? 
I was 17,

so you can imagine my attitude.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bad Haiku

Silent, falling drops
Land inside my broken heart,
Leaving tiny holes.

I would not love you
For I hold my soul with pride.
You try to kill me.

Practice makes silence,
And silence makes morning light.
Morning light brings death.

Small, green follower
Making a trail of its own
Slowly through the air.

An orb of rainbow
Floats through the hot, humid air,
And its life explodes.

Brittle flaky life
Scrapes away and now it dies.
But I will not mourn.

Fragile porcelain
Tiny hands with a message
Break my wounded heart.

Soft, quiet sunlight
Filters into my lost soul
And gives me repose.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Shark Week!

Epic Poem #24

I yawn
but the muse pulls on my hand.

I close my eyes just to rest them
And wake to find the muse in my lap.

I follow her outside

And admit that she was right
When we dance at sunrise.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Epic Poem #23

Poetry has become cool.
Like everything else pure, and perfect,
Poetry has been corrupted and commercialized
To the point where it is
no longer poetry,
But a
People do not seem to realize
That true poetry
Is meant to evoke emotions,
Or to convey ideas or feelings.
Poetry comes from the heart
More than the mind.
And I often read 'poems'
And I hear them in my mind,
But I do not hear them in my heart.

*It was so deep and before its time......

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Epic Poem #22

The things we find to occupy
Are seldom ever seen.
A bottle in a cabinet;
A paper in a stream.

We curl up with our TV wishes,
Can we ever find the time
To listen to ourselves and talk
Without the simple rhyme?

Would we ever know the happiness
Of just life, no tricks, no games?
Can we play the notes our mothers taught?
Will we learn to love again?
Can we sigh, unburdened by the thought
Of chemical restraint?

He who finds the heart for this
Is often deemed a saint.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Epic Poem #21

Bring me into your world of elusive reality,
Where fingernail moons are cut out
of the sky
upon the plain
of my heart,

fleeting snowflakes
melting with
the setting of Sirius,
The ever-loyal, loving dog star of your heart.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Epic Poem #20

Sunshine calls to me, invading my thoughts.
I'm falling home,
Sitting right here.

Astral projection was never as fluid
As the touch of grass on my legs,

But sunsets like this don't last forever.
They are hard to come by,

Living in a river of steel.