Saturday, June 29, 2013

Epic Poem #8

Silence stops me,
and I
in the desert of
my mind and

to the sounds
of myself

my echo
laughs at the
person I


*Facebook Status Update*

Me, in my head: *snif snif snif* "I smell feet. Is it my feet?"

I smell them; nope, fine.

"Is it my pits? Nope."

I'm getting to the point where maybe it's my...lady area? Nope.

Then I realize, it's my hands.

My hands smell like feet because I've been petting the dog. The dog smells like feet. Reeks of feet.

Apparently a giant foot must have been planted in the backyard without my knowledge and she's been rolling around on it. Jeeeeebus Christmas.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Epic Poem #7

Princess Niñita
Walks toward the shadows
In which she believes life lies.
But she, innocent, a child

as we all were,
sucked in by the absurdity of 
the importance of
money and

and the
casting off of
as a ritual of new
beginning instead
of the death
of a child,



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Epic Poem #6

Come along with me and I shall take you where
The flowers sing praises with even the slightest stirring of the wind.

Where the birds sing out the glorious anthem of morning
With the sun's early rising.
Where Mother Nature is alive and well,
And she need not worry about extinction. 

This place, this heavenly place,
As fair and beautiful as it may seem,

Is but the Earth you are quite possibly standing on.
Such a place, you may think, could never be,
Yet you worry day after day about saving it,
And what will happen when you don't.


But the answer to saving this majestic planet you call home
Lies not in a recycling bin,
Or an aluminum can drop-off center.
It lies in the hearts of all men.

It lies in planting a tree,
Or starting a garden,


Or walking along the fickle border of the ocean 
That you begin to understand the full beauty of nature,

And you understand what must be done.


*Facebook Status Update*

No kidding, I just had a debilitating gas situation at Target.

I kept trying to find an isolated aisle, and I couldn't, 

and I was almost doubled over in pain.

This was going to be an international incident wherein the Brentwood Target would be forever known as Ground Zero.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Guest Poet, Sarah


I love you I love you
But I just cannot say it.
I cannot reveal my feelings for you.


If I said it out loud
You’d step on my heart.


So I keep it locked up
In a neon pink box
Which repulses you, keeps you away.

Epic Poem #5


They say we're all the same and
it doesn't matter if you're one or the other. 
Why are we categorized, then?

If it doesn't matter so much,
Why are the labels there?

Can you give me an answer for that?
I bet you weren't expecting that kind of reaction.

You probably expected me to say,
"Yeah, okay.  Sure."
But I won't!
Not anymore!

I have lived the past sixteen years as a prisoner of your groupings.

I have been a NERD,

And I'm darn tired of it!
Why must I be SOMETHING???
Can't I just be ME?
Do I have to be SCARED?
It's just hormones, you think.
She's going through a difficult time.

Well, it's NOT!
I'M not!
God! Get a grip!
I can be everything else,
But I can't be free to express my


Just leave me alone.
And I'm not 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Epic Poem #4

There are men far more devout than I.
Will you grieve them when they die?

The Lord cares not for talent or age,

So why do you place me on a stage? 
I am the youth, the future, see,
But don't place all your hopes on me.

I am but one, though not alone.
A mortal being, truth be known.

Because I am young, you praise my try.
Yet you ignore those older than I.

Those, who when faced with reality,
Stand up, chin high, quite stronger than me.

Do not praise me for what I've done,
For men quite older than I have won.
Though they are twice as old as I,
They, too, deserve your cheers and cries.

So, next time you start to clap for me,

Remember those who before me reached.
I'm not the first to reach for the stars,
Or to strive for a goal, whether near or far.

Think, instead, when your thoughts do turn,

Of those whose fires let mine burn.

Friday, June 21, 2013

My eyebrow emergency

*Facebook status update*

Saturday I had to get an emergency brow wax because the world had stopped turning and my threading place is closed.

The guy who did it was pretty cool, and he did a good job.

During the postwax tweeze, he ripped a hair from my browline and I said, "Jesus! It felt like you uprooted a tree!"


He showed it to me so I could see the enormous root.

And now we're best friends.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Epic Poem #3

Stuck between
and Hell


And the world moves
and whirrs
and buzzes
and clicks
around me,
coldly uncaring

But their silence in regard
to me
makes me 
sit down and cry
the loss of Myself.