Friday, July 12, 2013

Villanelle #1

I had a dream, a dream that I could fly.
It was the best dream I have ever had.
I reached out my arms to the sky.


That is what it must feel like when one dies.
But if I were to die, would you be sad?
Would you mourn me if I floated up high?


I start to think your love is just a lie
When I speak of my dreams and you get mad.
So now I feel that I must say goodbye.


Kiss me, my darling, and hold me to the sky.
I should like to think that you will be sad.
Don't blame me, it's not my fault, I tried.


And now I have to go, and I will cry
And your devotion, I never quite had.
So let me go to my star in the sky.


And darling, don't ask me the reason why.
Apologies can only be too sad.
In a minute, I'll be gone, don't be shy.
But tell me that you'll miss me, don't be mad.

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