Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Epic Poem #6

Come along with me and I shall take you where
The flowers sing praises with even the slightest stirring of the wind.

Where the birds sing out the glorious anthem of morning
With the sun's early rising.
Where Mother Nature is alive and well,
And she need not worry about extinction. 

This place, this heavenly place,
As fair and beautiful as it may seem,

Is but the Earth you are quite possibly standing on.
Such a place, you may think, could never be,
Yet you worry day after day about saving it,
And what will happen when you don't.


But the answer to saving this majestic planet you call home
Lies not in a recycling bin,
Or an aluminum can drop-off center.
It lies in the hearts of all men.

It lies in planting a tree,
Or starting a garden,


Or walking along the fickle border of the ocean 
That you begin to understand the full beauty of nature,

And you understand what must be done.

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